Effect of Yoga Relaxation Techniques on Mental Efficiency


Background: An elderly person in the age group of 60 years or above usually faces challenges related to mental efficiency. Due to their problems with physical movements, yoga relaxation techniques are easy to follow and may facilitate enhancing mental efficiency.

Purpose: To compare the significant effect of the Mind Sound Resonance Technique and Deep Relaxation Technique among the elderly on mental efficiency and its dimensions vis-à-vis mental functions, mental status, percept and motion equity, and depression.

Methods: The present study was an experimental design and used a non-probability sampling technique to select the sample of elderly participants. They were divided into three groups vis-à-vis Experimental Group-I (EG-I), Experimental Group-II (EG-II), and the Control Group (CG). EG-I received Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT) and EG-II received Deep Relaxation Technique (DRT) for 15 sessions. The CG continued with routine activities. A final sample of 91 participants was analyzed using non-parametric ANCOVA followed by a post hoc test. Pre-tests and post-tests for EG-I, EG-II, and CG were conducted on a standardized tool of mental efficiency.

Results: It was found that the difference among the three groups was significant at a 0.05 level for mental efficiency (overall) and each of its dimensions. Post hoc tests revealed that MSRT was more effective than DRT and CG for enhancing mental efficiency.

Conclusion: MSRT is a more useful technique for improving mental efficiency in the elderly.

  • Page Number : 32-41

  • Published Date : 2024-04-20

  • Keywords
    Mind sound resonance technique, Deep relaxation technique, Elderly, Mental efficiency, Experimental design

  • DOI Number

  • Authors
    Parineeta Jindal and Anuradha Sharma


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