Managing Waiting Time: Impact of Physical Environment and Interaction Quality

Published: April 10, 2017


Neetu Kumari, Sandeep Patyal

Waiting Time, Physical Environment Quality, Interaction Quality, Private healthcare


This Research Paper presents the key role of waiting time. This report will explore the issue associated with prolonged waiting time. Research on waiting is used to determine not only why these issues are problematic but what factors may lead them to rise. Finally research unapplied to uncover ways in which the issues can be dealt with physical environment and interaction quality. The Exploratory factor analysis and Structural Equational Modeling was used to analyse the patients of private Clinic. The study brings various waiting time filler to deal with perception management of waiting time. The study provides valuable Operational management techniques to the policymakers on the management of waiting time in Private health care sector. Both patients and staff can get benefit from reduced crowding, less complaint, positive word of mouth and satisfied patients. It also benefit the society by better health services.


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How to Cite

Neetu Kumari, Sandeep Patyal. Managing Waiting Time: Impact of Physical Environment and Interaction Quality. J. Multidiscip. Res. Healthcare. 2017, 03, 87-98
Managing Waiting Time: Impact of Physical Environment and Interaction Quality

Current Issue

ISSN Print2393-8536
ISSN Online2393-8544
RNI No.CHAENG/2014/57978
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