Publishing Process

Choose the Right Journal

Find the right fit for your manuscript. Remember, you should never submit your manuscript to more than one journal at a time.

  • Check the journal’s aims and scope to ensure it is a good match for your manuscript
  • Read the journal’s guidelines for authors

Prepare Your Paper

Carefully read the guidelines for authors for advice on:

  • Paper structure
  • The abstract (maximum 300 words)
  • Keywords (maximum 5)
  • Accepted file formats (e.g., Microsoft Word, .docx file)

Submit Your Paper

This is done via the online editorial management system:

  • Locate the link to your chosen journal’s editorial management system on the journal’s homepage.
  • Log in or register.
  • Once you’ve completed the submission process, your manuscript will be sent for peer review.
  • You will receive a unique reference number for tracking purposes.

Check Your Manuscript’s Status

Stay informed about your paper’s status.

  • Use the unique reference number to follow your manuscript’s progress.

No Article Publishing Charge (APC)

The Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Healthcare is an open-access journal, and no fees are charged for submitting or publishing their manuscripts.
