Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Our journal is committed to promote a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for researchers, authors, reviewers, and editors. We believe that diversity of thought, background, and experience strengthens research quality and its impact on society. These guidelines outline our principles to ensure all voices are valued and represented.

Diversity in Authorship and Editorial Contributions

We encourage submissions and participation from a diverse range of voices, including underrepresented groups in academia, such as women, people of color, individuals from low-income countries, and people with disabilities. Our journal seeks to:

  • Promote inclusivity by enlisting authors, editors, and peer reviewers from diverse demographic and geographic backgrounds.
  • Provide equitable opportunities for all researchers, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, age, sexual orientation, or disability.

Inclusive Language and Accessibility

We value and encourage the use of inclusive language in research articles to ensure accessibility and respect for all identities and involves:

  • Use of gender-neutral language wherever possible.
  • Avoid assumptions about gender, cultural norms, or disabilities.
  • Ensure that all articles are accessible to readers with disabilities.

Equity in The Review and Publication Process

We aim to create an equitable and transparent review process.

  • Ensuring fair treatment of all submissions, regardless of the background of the author.
  • Providing constructive feedback and avoiding biases in the peer review process, with decisions based solely on the quality and merit of the work.

Diversity in Research Topics

We recognize the importance of encouraging research that reflects the diverse challenges and needs of different communities, particularly those traditionally underrepresented in scholarly literature and our journal:

  • Encourages studies on gender, race, class, ethnicity, disability, and other intersections of identity.
  • Prioritizes research that addresses inequities in science, health, and other areas that excessively affect some communities.

Anti-Discrimination and Zero Tolerance for Harassment

Our journal holds a zero-tolerance policy against discrimination, harassment, and any form of misconduct. We expect all participants in the publishing process to:

  • Treat each other with respect, professionalism, and courtesy.
  • Uphold the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all interactions.
