Employee Empowerment

Published: October 15, 2014


Preethi Pradhan, T J Kamlanabhan, R D Thulasiraj, V R Muraleedharan

employee empowerment, hospital, human resource practices, healthcare human resource management, staffing, motivation, patient satisfaction


The work done by the human resource in healthcare are the key to bringing about patient healing. As the tasks that each of the different human resource healthcare professionals have to do is quite enormous and varied and differs from patient to patient depending upon their unique needs it is also equally challenging to train the staff. The concept of employee empowerment is therefore extremely critical for staff to do what requires to be done for patients in a timely manner keeping the best interest of the patient in the mind. This article takes a thorough look at this concept as well as how it is measured. Its application is also discussed taking the example of the Aravind Eye Hospital.


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How to Cite

Preethi Pradhan, T J Kamlanabhan, R D Thulasiraj, V R Muraleedharan. Employee Empowerment. J. Multidiscip. Res. Healthcare. 2014, 01, 53-62
Employee Empowerment

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ISSN Print2393-8536
ISSN Online2393-8544
RNI No.CHAENG/2014/57978
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