A Quasi Experimental Study to Compare the Effect of Semi-Sitting Versus Left Lateral Position on Maternal and Foetal Bio-Physiological Parameters Among Antenatal Women Undergoing Non Stress Test in Tertiary Care Hospital of Patiala, Punjab

Published: October 2, 2017


Gurpreet Kaur, Preety Narula, Harpreet Kaur

NST, physiological, parameters, maternal, foetal, position


Background of the study NST is a simple, non invasive test performed in pregnancy over 28 weeks of gestation. Pregnant women are generally positioned in the supine position because this position allow easy administration of the test. But supine position cause aortacaval compression which decrease blood supply to the fetus hence shows non reactive results. Hence position is one of the main factor which should be considered during non stress test.

Methodology Aquasi experimental design was used. Total 60 antenatal women (30 experimental group I, 30 experimental group II) was selected by purposive sampling technique. Data collection method- Baseline maternal foetal bio-physiological parameters were assessed by performing NST for 10 minutes in baseline position(supine position) among experimental groups and then after a gap of 10 minutes semi-sitting and left lateral position was given to experimental group I and II respectively. Maternal and foetal bio-physiological parameters were assessed after 10 minutes of NST in both experimental groups I and II.

Results Result of the present study revealed that baseline (supine) when compared with Semi-sitting position had significant effect on maternal foetal bio-physiological parameters at (p<0.05) level of significance however when baseline (supine) compared with left lateral position had no significant effect on maternal bio- physiological parameters except on pulse rate at (p<0.05) level of significance whereas left lateral position had significant effect on foetal bio-physiological parameters except baseline heart rate and deceleration at (p<0.05) level of significance. When semi-sitting compared with left lateral had no significant effect on maternal foetal bio-physiological parameters at (p<0.05) level of significance.

Conclusion Baseline position(supine) when altered to semi-sitting or left lateral position influence the maternal foetal bio-physiological parameters. Semi-sitting when compared with left lateral had no significant effect on maternal and foetal bio- physiological parameters.


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How to Cite

Gurpreet Kaur, Preety Narula, Harpreet Kaur. A Quasi Experimental Study to Compare the Effect of Semi-Sitting Versus Left Lateral Position on Maternal and Foetal Bio-Physiological Parameters Among Antenatal Women Undergoing Non Stress Test in Tertiary Care Hospital of Patiala, Punjab. J. Multidiscip. Res. Healthcare. 2017, 04, 51-66
A Quasi Experimental Study to Compare the Effect of Semi-Sitting Versus Left Lateral Position on Maternal and Foetal Bio-Physiological Parameters Among Antenatal Women Undergoing Non Stress Test in Tertiary Care Hospital of Patiala, Punjab

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RNI No.CHAENG/2014/57978
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